GFP expression in murine and primate brain after stereotactic injection of Lenti-ONE PGK GFP. GFAP labeling shows glial cells, NeuN labeling shows neurons.
Lenti-ONE GFP carries the transgene green fluorescent protein. Its expression can be assessed by fluorescent microscopy or by flow cytometry, thus giving valuable informations about the transduction efficiency of the vector.
BDNF cDNA encodes the brain-derived neurotrophic factor isoform a (sequence from human genome, NM_001143805.1/CCDS7866.1, 744 pb). This neurotrophic factor may be used to promote neuronal survival in experimental gene therapy assays.
Igniting various cascades, BDNF can promote the transcription of survival factors through a Ras/MAPK/CREB pathway, and/or inhibit some death factors thanks to the P13K/AKT pathway.
When pseudotyped with a Mokola envelope, Lenti-ONE BDNF limits transduction to glial cells. It can be useful to overexpress BDNF in glial cells around damaged neurons.
GFP expression in murine and primate brain after stereotactic injection of Lenti-ONE PGK GFP. GFAP labeling shows glial cells, NeuN labeling shows neurons.