CAR-Based Immunotherapy

We would like to share some exciting results on CAR-Based Immunotherapy. It comes from our partner Dr Oana Gavriliuc from OncoGen “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara (Romania). We are proud to introduce the poster presented by Dr Gavriliuc at the ICLE 2019 (London).

The poster titled CAR-Based Immunotherapy of EGFR positive solid tumors using Cytokine-activated peripheral blood killer cells, is about the development of an EGFR-targeted Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy. It paves the way for the cell therapy of solid tumors. You can access the poster here if you want to know more.

It’s a great achievement for her and for our partnership, and it shines a light on what we aim to achieve. We  designed and provided utra-efficient lentiviral vectors to Dr Graviliuc, fitted to her needs. We hope that will soon share great new results about it.

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